neuroscience research catalyst

Ending Depression

Siga is a neuroscience research catalyst with the goal of ending depression by turning science backed interventions into clinical practices.


Our Model

We work with teams around the world in a multistage approach that accelerates discovery. We focus on practical solutions that can be quickly turned into effective products and services. We are backed by hard science and adhere to the most rigorous evidence protocols.

Current Projects

The language of depression

We are developing a deep learning algorithm to collect online stories about depression and extract factors that have helped recovery. This will provide valuable insights that can inform better diagnoses and treatment strategies.

What works for depression?

We are starting to investigate novel treatments that may have better outcomes than the standard psychotherapies and drugs.

This will inform a large randomized controlled trial (RCT) which will evaluate the most promising of them. During the RCT, we will also collect data for machine learning algorithms that can predict the most suitable treatment (“smart diagnosis”) and also test innovative ways to track its impact.

Future science

While we are an evidence organization that looks for already developed approaches that can quickly reach the public, we also explore highly innovative fields.

Embodied physical reservoir modeling

What can complex, living networks such as fungi colonies, lab grown neurons, and slime mold (which, like the brain, are non-linear, self-organized criticality, and emergent), tell us about depression in humans? In this approach, the living system becomes our algorithm, allowing us to study how they react to impairments found in depression (memory, executive functioning, reaction time…)

Personalized brain models

Using innovative modeling techniques (such as the one above), we are exploring how to create a simpler version of the brain of each new patient and use it to guide recovery.

About us

We are a group of neuroscientists, biophysicists, data scientists, machine learning engineers and business innovators with an ambitious but achievable goal: ending depression.



2 billion people worldwide have or have had depression in their lifetime.


Less than half of people with depression in developed countries receive treatment. And about half of those who undergo treatment do not fully recover.

Depression is not simply sadness or lack of motivation

Depression is not simply sadness or lack of motivation, but a disabling clinical condition characterized by acute negative feelings that, among other things, increases the chances of suicide. Currently, recovery can take years, when not decades. The burdens of depression are felt by families, friends and society as depression and anxiety disorders cost US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity worldwide.

Contact us

Send us a message and learn more about our model and projets.

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