neuroscience research catalyst
Ending Depression
Siga is a neuroscience startup using AI to create individualized recovery plans for people with depression.

Our Model
We work with teams around the world in a multistage approach that accelerates discovery. We focus on practical solutions that can be quickly turned into effective products and services. We are backed by hard science and adhere to the most rigorous evidence protocols.
About us
We are a group of neuroscientists, biophysicists, data scientists, machine learning engineers and business innovators with an ambitious but achievable goal: ending depression.
people worldwide have or have had depression in their lifetime.
Less than half of people with depression in developed countries receive treatment. And more than 2/3 of those who undergo treatment do not fully recover.

Depression is not simply sadness or lack of motivation
Depression is not simply sadness or lack of motivation, but a disabling clinical condition characterized by acute negative feelings that, among other things, increases the chances of suicide. Currently, recovery can take years, when not decades. The burdens of depression are felt by families, friends and society as depression and anxiety disorders cost US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity worldwide.
Contact us
Send us a message and learn more about our model and projets.